Paper for your business
on the market since 1992

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Paper for your business
on the market since 1992


Aska Paber OÜ
Välja tn 12, Soinaste küla, Kambja vald, Tartumaa, 61709

Tel.: +372 523 5936 (Rauno)
  +372 505 7748 (Aso)
Phone: +372 650 6473


Greaseproof Paper for General Wrapping and baking.

Greaseproof Paper for General Wrapping and baking.

We offer different kinds of paper suitable for the packaging of foodstuffs. The target group includes food stores (for the packaging of meat, ham, fish, cheese etc), foodstuff manufacturers (grease proof linings, wrap paper, etc.), manufacturers of packages (hamburger wrappings, baking liners, etc). Paper is available in sheets and in small rolls too.

Greaseproof wrapping paper Nature ECO 30 g/m²
Brownish fat-resistant paper based on cellulose. Paper has excellent fat resistance, is suitable for food packaging. Eco-friendly - biodegradable! Available both in sheets and in small rolls. The best choice for packaging hamburgers, wraps and other fast food.

Click on paper to choose
330 x 200 mm
no print
330 x 400 mm
no print
500 x 400 mm
no print

Own size:

mm (max 1000)
mm (max 800)
Greaseproof wrapping paper 32 g/m²
White food-free grease resistant wrapping paper (KIT 6) for: serving of hamburgers, tortilla wraps and baguettes in fast food/ quick service restaurants, sandwich/deli wrap, cheese wraps and interleaves.

Click on paper to choose
200 x 200 mm
no print
320 x 380 mm
no print
500 x 400 mm
no print

Own size:

mm (max 1000)
mm (max 800)
Greaseproof paper for pastries 32 g/m²
Printed greaseproof wrap Categories: Clearance, Food wrapping, Butcher Range, Bakery Range, Loose Sheets, Food Service Range,

Click on paper to choose
200 x 200 mm
no print
320 x 380 mm
no print
500 x 400 mm
no print
Nature Eco 45 g/m², brown
Our greaseproof papers are used in food preparation applications, which require durability and consistent quality. highly greaseproof suitable for food contact fully compostable and biodegradable environmentally certified -meat interleaving -pan frying -burger wrapping -fish and chips

Click on paper to choose
330 x 200 mm
no print
330 x 380 mm
no print
500 x 400 mm
no print

Own size:

mm (max 1000)
mm (max 800)
Baking paper 41 g/m², white and natural color
2-side coated siliconized grades, superior greaseproofness and heat resistance suitable for food contact, fully compostable and biodegradable, environmentally certified sheets and reels used in professional bakeries and catering, available in sheets or in reels. Colors: white and natural brown.

Click on paper to choose
400 x 600 mm
no print
430 x 560 mm
no print
570 x 780 mm
no print

Own size:

mm (max 1000)
mm (max 800)
Greaseproof wrapping paper 45 g/m², white
White greaseproof wrapping paper (KIT 3) for: sausage, ham, fish and cheese.

Click on paper to choose
330 x 200 mm
no print
330 x 400 mm
no print
500 x 400 mm
no print

Own size:

mm (max 1000)
mm (max 800)
Ühepoolselt kilega kaetud rasvakindelpaber (50 g/m² + 9 g/m² PE)
Kasutusvaldkond- vorsti/liha/kala pakkimiseks, pizzakarbi aluspaber jne. Paber on õhuke, keskkonnasõbralik. Valmistatud 100% taaskasutatud materjalidest, testitud ja tunnistatud sobivaks pakendiks rasvastele, niisketele ja õlistele toiduainetele. Paberit kattev kile on tehtud keskkonnasõbralikust polüetüleenist, mis tagab omadused, et pakendatud toiduaine säilitaks oma värsked omadused. Kile on õhuke (7 micr.) ning pole üksinda kasutuskõlblik. Kile on vaba lisaainetest ning ei mõjuta toiduaine maitset ega lõhna. Paber ja kile on omavahel ühendatud õhukeste liimiribadega, mis kleebivad need üheks pakendiks. Õhuvahe paberi ja kile vahel garanteerib pideva õhuligipääsu tootele ja hoiab transportimisel ära liiga kiire ülessoojenemise (võrreldes külmletitemperatuuriga). Puhta keskkonna heaks on võimalik kile ja paber üksteisest peale kasutamist jälle eraldada ning eraldi taaskasutusse suunata. Trükivärvid, mida kasutame, on eranditult vee- ja alkoholibaasil tehtud – seetõttu ei teki tootmisel ega töötlemisel kahjulikke jääkaineid. Et paberist peale kasutamist jälle puhas paber saaks, saab taaskasutusprotsessis trükivärvi jälle eraldada.

Click on paper to choose
330 x 200 mm
no print
330 x 400 mm
no print
500 x 400 mm
no print

Own size:

mm (max 1000)
mm (max 800)


